Stewarding Natural
Cultural Travel Assets Worldwide

The Whales of Guerrero - Project Update

An update from The Whales of Guerrero, one of our 2021 Grant Winners. “Now that we know we can launch at least one land-based survey thanks to ATCF support, we have sprung into action! We dream of running 6 sites simultaneously and involving the whole community in the creation of a mother/calf humpback whale sanctuary in Guerrero.”

Here’s an update from The Whales of Guerrero, one of our 2021 Grant Winners:

Now that we know we can launch at least one land-based survey thanks to ATCF support, we have sprung into action! We dream of running 6 sites simultaneously and involving the whole community in the creation of a mother/calf humpback whale sanctuary in Guerrero.

Last week, we received permission from the government to work out of a lighthouse in front of the busy city of Zihuatanejo, where we know mom/calf pairs like to rest right at the surface and where there is a lot of boat traffic. We will be perched atop this lighthouse all season long learning how whales use the marine environment in front of Zihuatanejo and what threats they may face from boat traffic.

We have an incredible team of local citizen scientists and early career scientists in place and want to do more! We have scoped out ideal survey spots extending along a 75-mile stretch of coastline, from the surfer’s paradise of Troncones through all inclusive vacation mecca of Ixtapa to the busy fishing port and charming tourist destination of Zihuatanejo to the tranquil ecotourism village of Barra de Potosi. With your support, our team will spend a minimum of 4 days at each potential site this season to gather preliminary information about humpback whale resting birthing and nursing spots and share what we discover with local communities, involving them in the process so deeply that it will be only natural to create sanctuaries where moms and their newborn calves can rest, grow and gather strength for their long journey north.

We also designed, printed, and are hanging at every port of departure this week. In partnership with the safe whale watch captains who we love to empower and support.

Katherina Audley
Founder and Director
Whales of Guerrero


The Whales of Guerrero facilitates community-driven conservation in the fishing village of Barra de Potosí and throughout the southwest Pacific State of Guerrero, Mexico, pioneering a new approach to coastal protection that cultivates local leadership through citizen science, peer learning, and community outreach. After seven years of collaborative marine mammal research, the seeds of stewardship have taken root in our region. We want to help them bear fruit by galvanizing an emerging group of Fishery and Conservation Leaders who will lead the community toward long-term marine restoration and conservation. The Whales of Guerrero connects people with nature through programs that inspire and empower environmental stewardship.

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