Spring is Here


Spring is in full bloom here in Seattle and we are riding this energy with ramping up towards our grant season and upcoming tradeshows/conferences!  In addition, we have plenty going on that we want to share with as well as offer some ways you can participate and contribute.

Don’t Forget - Project Nominations Open!
In case you didn’t see, we opened up our project nominations to solicit projects from our members.  And if you're not already a member, we’d be happy to help you become one! ATCF members may nominate up to two conservation projects for funding consideration by Friday, May 17, 2019. The projects nominated must meet our funding criteria. We encourage you to talk with your team, suppliers and greater network to find and submit great projects worthy of funding.

Project Updates!
The 9 grant projects that our ATCF members supported in 2017 & 2018 are all moving forward in wonderful ways!  Check out what they have been working on!

Stay tuned for newly re-designed visuals showcasing these grants that you can share with your customers! We hope to have these released next week, in addition to social media bites and updated project photos so that your community can easily recognize how you are making a difference for travel destinations all over the world.

Calling for Your Support!
The ATCF is holding our second auction and would appreciate your donations! With 100% of our membership dues going directly to finance conservation projects, we rely on events like this to raise funds to directly support the ATCF in administering our grant program. Last year, we ran our first successful auction (grossing over $12,000) and plan to carry out two more in 2019!

New Member

"We have grown by becoming part of a large community of entrepreneurs, dreamers and leaders that are bonded not only because there is an industry and business interest, but because there is passion and heart in what they do. We would love to be part of the Fund that can help us all guarantee amazing adventures to future generations. " - Mariana Caliuolo

Share Your Conservation Work!
Thanks to all those who responded to our call for stories that feature important conservation initiatives or lessons learned in the field. We hope to highlight stories that have a clear connection to the travel industry, and that encompasses an environmental or cultural focus.

Speaking of stories, check out this recently released video that ATCF member World Nomads put out in partnership with The Sea Turtle Conservation organization documenting the work they are doing in Costa Rica. This project’s aim is to reduce the impacts of climate change on sea turtles and promote eco-tourism around Tortuguero Beach, which hosts the largest green turtle rookery in the Western Hemisphere as a way to build sustainable conservation programs that provide revenue for local communities. Way to go World Nomads!

There are few sights cuter than that of a baby turtle make its way across a beach to the ocean. On the Caribbean coast of Costa Rica, conservationists and volunteers from The Sea Turtle Conservancy are working to save generations of sea turtles.

A New Face At ATCF